From aerospace offices to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, our commercial customers have different needs, and their facilities come in all shapes and sizes.
We offer rate options that meet those needs and connect businesses with options to help them save. Learn more in the sections below.

Business rates
Electric non-demand rate
If your business uses 75% or more of its electricity in summer months (May-October) or winter months (November-April), our non-demand options could work well for you. With this option, we cut the monthly demand charges and incorporate those costs into the supply charge and the access & facilities charges. This way, you pay only when you use electricity, avoiding high charges during low-use months.
This rate option is open to customers on our industrial service time-of-use 1,000 kWh/day minimum rate schedule (ETL).
For more information, please contact your account manager.
Large power & light rate
Our large power and light rate is ideal for businesses that need four megawatts of electricity and have an annual load factor of 75% or more.
Customers on this special rate option pay a lower supply charge and lower access & facilities charges than other customers.
We provide this as an option because when a customer’s electric use is significant and steady, we benefit from having that knowledge. Electricity demand can change quickly, and we must plan for peak times when demand and use is at its highest. Having consistent demand from large customers is helpful.
Contact your account manager to learn more and to see if you qualify.
Seasonal natural gas rate
Our seasonal natural gas rate option features a lower summer rate (May to October) and higher winter rate (November to April) than our standard commercial service.
This option is designed to benefit customers who consume more natural gas in the summer or who have a natural gas load that is not weather driven.
Call your account manager or the business services group at (719) 448-4808 to learn more.
Interruptible natural gas rate
We offer our business customers natural gas at a lower price if they opt-in to our Interruptible Natural Gas price option.
Customers receive the lower price if they’re willing to assume the risk of having their normally-priced gas supply interrupted during periods of high demand and/or low supply.
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