Arizona Cypress
Arizona cypress is a large evergreen tree, that can serve as a background plant or screen. It looks similar to an upright juniper, but with a more open branching pattern and bluer color to the scales. The blue color of its feathery branches contrasts nicely with its reddish-grey bark.
Arizona cypress grows slowly and can tolerate very low water conditions. It is worth considering in place of a blue spruce to reduce landscape water use, or as a unique evergreen tree.
Arizona Cypress
Arizona cypress is a large evergreen tree, that can serve as a background plant or screen. It looks similar to an upright juniper, but with a more open branching pattern and bluer color to the scales. The blue color of its feathery branches contrasts nicely with its reddish-grey bark.
Arizona cypress grows slowly and can tolerate very low water conditions. It is worth considering in place of a blue spruce to reduce landscape water use, or as a unique evergreen tree.
Plant details
Botanic Name
Callitropsis arizonica
kal-ih-TROP-sis air-ih-ZAWN-ih-kuh
Mature Height
30 to 40 ft.
Mature Spread
20 to 25 ft.
Water usage
One Droplet: Water twice per month or less, once established.
Two Droplets: Water about once per week, once established.
Three Droplets: Water about twice per week, once established.
Flower Color
Bloom time
Colorado Native
Natural Habitat
native to southwestern United States
Light Requirements
Cold Hardiness
USDA zones 4-9
Elevation Limit
not specified
There are two Arizona cypress at the Water Wise Demonstration Garden. One is planted in a very low water zone surrounded by native grasses. It has proven to be a beautiful, slow-growing, cold-hardy tree that requires little maintenance. The other was recently planted in a low-water garden bed.
None required; prune any dead or broken branches as needed.