Prickly Thrift
Prickly thrift is an interesting, bun-shaped rock garden plant. In spring it grows as a mounding cushion of thin, needle-like leaves. In early summer, it develops graceful stalks of small pink flowers. As the summer progresses, the flowers dry in place and turn a papery white color.
Prickly thrift is very drought tolerant, but can also tolerate wetter areas if needed. Can be an interesting addition to a low water rock garden.
Prickly Thrift
Prickly thrift is an interesting, bun-shaped rock garden plant. In spring it grows as a mounding cushion of thin, needle-like leaves. In early summer, it develops graceful stalks of small pink flowers. As the summer progresses, the flowers dry in place and turn a papery white color.
Prickly thrift is very drought tolerant, but can also tolerate wetter areas if needed. Can be an interesting addition to a low water rock garden.
Plant details
Botanic Name
Acantholimon glumaceum
ak-anth-oh-LY-mon gloo-ma-see-um
Mature Height
4 to 8 in.
Mature Spread
12 in.
Water usage
One Droplet: Water twice per month or less, once established.
Two Droplets: Water about once per week, once established.
Three Droplets: Water about twice per week, once established.
Flower Color
Bloom time
early summer
Colorado Native
Natural Habitat
Light Requirements
Cold Hardiness
USDA zones 3-9
Elevation Limit
not specified
We have prickly thrift planted in an area of the Water Wise Demonstration Garden that does not receive any supplemental water. Some years it is incredibly beautiful when it blooms. During some drought periods, part of the leafy cushion had died back.
Prickly thrift is a very low maintenance plant. The spent flower stalks should be cut off once they are no longer attractive.