Alex T.
Duration: 1 minute
Published on July 10, 2024
We plan years into the future to ensure we manage customer costs and provide safe and reliable power, no matter the weather.
To help accomplish this, we have a team of skilled energy traders who spend each day – often beginning in the early morning hours – navigating energy needs, projections, complex markets and other factors to secure the most reliable and cost-effective energy for our customers. These efforts not only save customers millions of dollars, but they also help ensure the community has power when it’s needed the most.
During the summer months, when energy demand is at its highest, we use our diverse portfolio of resources, and can access energy markets like Southwest Power Pool, to help ensure an uninterrupted supply of electricity to customers. The data speaks for itself, we are recognized as one of the most reliable electric utilities in the nation, with power available more than 99.99% of the time.
Working with customers to navigate the peak
With a rapidly changing energy industry – including changing customer preferences -- we recognize that an enhanced relationship with our customers is required to ensure a reliable electric grid and manage costs. Reducing energy use during peak demand – typically when customers get home from work between the times of 4 and 8 p.m. – will not only better manage future utility costs, but it will also help ensure service reliability, improved air quality and efficient management of finite energy resources.
Reducing energy use during times of peak demand reaps dual benefits – it reduces stress on the electric grid and can reduce utility bills. By using appliances earlier in the day or later at night, customers can avoid unintentionally heating their home with these appliances, and therefore reducing the need for air conditioning systems to work overtime.
Other tips to reduce utility bills are:
- Open windows at night or early morning and use fans to circulate the air. Once your home is cool, close blinds to keep the heat out.
- Ceiling fans should spin counterclockwise to push cool air down. Pair them with portable fans and open windows for maximum airflow.
- Set thermostats higher on hot days, and even higher when you’re out or asleep—78°F or more can save about 10% on energy bills. Plus, snag a $50 rebate on a smart thermostat.
- Customers can keep their AC in top shape with regular check-ups and filter changes—it can save another 15% on energy use.
- Drafty doors or windows? Seal them up to save up to 20% on heating and cooling costs.
- Boost home efficiency with new insulation and earn up to $1,500 in rebates—that’s a 275% increase from last year!