Danielle N.
Duration: 1 minute
Published on October 10, 2023
A stable natural gas market in 2023 means we are not changing electric or natural gas rates this quarter. This is good news for our customers as we head into the colder months.
While the rate we charge won’t change, colder weather often means higher bills. In our area, customers typically use up to six times more natural gas in the winter. To help, we offer payment assistance, as well as rebates and energy saving tips.
Customer Assistance
Beginning November 1, you can apply for the Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP). This is a federally funded program designed to help eligible low-income households with winter home heating costs. To begin, call Pikes Peak United Way 2-1-1. Applications are also available online on the Colorado PEAK website.
Colorado Springs Utilities and the Energy Resource Center have partnered to provide energy- and water-efficiency improvements for qualifying residential customers through the Home Efficiency Assistance Program. HEAP participants receive in-home energy and water audits, which are used to make home improvements. These can include weather stripping, additional insulation to attics, sidewalls and crawlspaces and much more.
To qualify, you must own the home you live in and meet income guidelines. In 2023, for example, a household of four with an annual income of $71,122 can qualify. Visit the Energy Resource Center to see if you qualify.
The City of Colorado Springs offers financial assistance to eligible low-income households for some home repairs. Eligible services include sewer and water line repairs, lead repairs, efficiency upgrades and more.
Project COPE provides utilities payment assistance to anyone struggling financially due to a personal crisis or emergency, regardless of income. This is the only local organization that dedicates its entire funding to utilities payment assistance year-round.
Pikes Peak United Way 2-1-1 is a free bilingual service to help those in need navigate the complex and ever-growing maze of health and human service providers in our community.
Budget Billing is a free program that makes it easier for you to budget expenses because we spread payments evenly throughout the year. Budget Billing lessens the impact on customers’ budgets during the winter and summer months when utility use is high. Also, the Pick My Payment Date program offers a convenient solution allowing you the flexibility to choose a due date that works best.
Energy savings tips
Try these low cost or no-cost tips around the home to help save energy and money.
- Change the direction of ceiling fans. During colder months ceiling fans should rotate clockwise.
- Apply caulk or weatherstripping to seal leaks around windows and doors to keep the warm air in and the cold air out. (Make sure it’s above 45 degrees to apply caulking.)
- Open curtains on south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat the home and close them at night to reduce the chill from cold windows.
- Keep the fireplace damper closed unless a fire is burning.
- Look for other opportunities throughout your home with a self-assessment that can help you find problems.
- Check the furnace filter and regularly change when dirty. A clean filter allows the furnace to run more efficiently.
- Set the thermostat as low as is comfortable. At night or away from home, set the thermostat back 10 to 15 degrees – lowering the temperature setting for eight hours can save up to 10% on energy costs.
- Learn more ways to save at Efficiency at Home (csu.org).