Corner Lot Cutback
With higher water using plants like Kentucky bluegrass, it's important to make sure that the ground is level where it's planted to prevent the water from running right off when watered. The stone walls in this yard help make a flat place to plant and add interest and texture to the front yard. Because this yard is so big, much of the grass was removed from where it was not useable, and shrubs and low maintenance perennials were planted instead. Wood chip mulch helps the soil from drying out in the heat of the summer and also helps to prevent weeds from growing around the plants.
Corner Lot Cutback
With higher water using plants like Kentucky bluegrass, it's important to make sure that the ground is level where it's planted to prevent the water from running right off when watered. The stone walls in this yard help make a flat place to plant and add interest and texture to the front yard. Because this yard is so big, much of the grass was removed from where it was not useable, and shrubs and low maintenance perennials were planted instead. Wood chip mulch helps the soil from drying out in the heat of the summer and also helps to prevent weeds from growing around the plants.