Grass Cut Down

This landscape demonstrates reducing the size of a lawn as a water conservation strategy. The turfgrass was removed from the parkway and replaced with gravel, while the outer edges of the front yard have been changed into low-maintenance shrub beds. The two shade trees get watered by the regular lawn watering.  The lawn sprinklers were moved inward to maximize water savings. 

Grass Cut Down

This landscape demonstrates reducing the size of a lawn as a water conservation strategy. The turfgrass was removed from the parkway and replaced with gravel, while the outer edges of the front yard have been changed into low-maintenance shrub beds. The two shade trees get watered by the regular lawn watering.  The lawn sprinklers were moved inward to maximize water savings. 

Some plants found in this landscape are:

Butterfly Bush
Butterfly Bush

Buddleia davidii

Feather Reed Grass
Feather Reed Grass

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'


Caryopteris x clandonensis

Shasta Daisy
Shasta Daisy

Leucanthemum x superbum


Vinca minor