What is a water allocation plan?
A water allocation plan gives customers more flexibility within the water-wise rules. Rather than a three-day limit, it allows you to use a specific amount of water for your landscape from May 1 to Oct. 15. It does not provide “extra” water, and you will still need to run sprinklers before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. during this time of year, unless you demonstrate a critical need. All other water-wise rules apply year-round. These plans are not suitable for new seed or landscape establishment.
Who can apply?
Any customer with a large landscape, complex sprinkler system or soil conditions which make it difficult to follow the three-days-per-week watering rule may apply.
Which sites might benefit from an allocation plan?
- Sites with multiple meters and controllers.
- Sites requiring more than 12 hours to water all zones one time.
- Sites with very sandy soil.
How is the allocation determined?
The water allocation is based on the area of your landscape that is watered regularly after May 1. The qualified landscape area is multiplied by 24 inches. The result is the allocation amount.
When are the plans in effect?
Water allocation plans are valid May 1 to Oct. 15 and expire after 5 years or when water service stops. Watering before May 1 or after Oct. 15 will not count toward your allocation total.
Could a Landscape Irrigation Evaluation help?
Sometimes more efficient irrigation can help with larger landscapes. Contact us for a free irrigation evaluation.