Colorado Springs Utilities
Duration: 1 minute
Published on June 10, 2021
Bill Redesign
In early February, we updated our bill based on your feedback. The new, easy-to-read format of our printed bill allows you to find key information, such as amount due, due date and a summary of charges/payments, at a glance. Color, bold text and icons highlight different services, usage details and even a comparison to the previous billing period.
Fuel Costs
During the extreme weather event in mid-February, we provided electric, natural gas, water and wastewater services without interruption.
The bitter cold that affected much of the country caused high demand and decreased supply for natural gas and electricity, which, in turn led to a short-term spike in fuel prices. We did what we could to protect our customers from the natural gas price spike, leaning on plans and programs for supplementing our supply.
However, we did experience higher fuel costs, though, and, as a community-owned utility when fuel costs change - up or down - we pass those costs directly to our customers. The Electric Cost Adjustment increased $7 per month and the Gas Cost Adjustment increased $22 per month for the sample residential customer through April 2022.
Due Date
We also made a change earlier this year to extend customers’ time to pay to 30 days. Unfortunately, this change created problems in the billing system that caused confusion.
To remedy the situation, bills distributed after June 14, 2021, will have a payment due date in 14 days. We still want to give you 30 days to pay, so we’ll allow a 16-day grace period before you’re at-risk of disconnection.
Reverting to the 14-day due date will cause a one-time occurrence of bill payments due approximately two weeks apart. While the second bill will come with the 16-day grace period implemented, you can also use our convenient tools to request a flexible payment arrangement - either through My Account online or through our interactive phone system at (719) 448-4848.
Resumption of Disconnects
We paused disconnects for the heating season to support our customers this winter. On June 14, we will resume our normal disconnect process. If you need financial assistance, call Pikes Peak United Way 2-1-1 or visit 211colorado.org. Flexible payment arrangements are also available through MyAccount.
Stormwater Fee
On July 1, the City’s stormwater fee will increase from $5 to $7 per residential unit and from $30 to $40.50 per non-residential acre. This is the first of a three-phase increase through 2023. The City has partnered with us to administer the fee, as it is the most cost-effective way to bill. For questions on the City’s stormwater fee, please visit their website.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we’ve worked through so many circumstances related to your bill this year.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and remain committed to continuing our mission of providing safe, reliable, competitively-priced utility services to this beautiful community we call home.