Eric I.
Duration: 1 minute
Published on February 3, 2021
In This Article
Like everything lately, Sunday's game will not be the same as usual this year. You may not have big parties with family and friends, but many will still celebrate and enjoy the festivities on a smaller scale.
For many, the best part of the day – especially if you don’t have a rooting interest in the game – is the food. Who doesn’t love pizza, hot wings, chips and dip, nachos, chili, burgers, or anything deep fried for that matter?
Your wastewater pipes, that’s who.
Before you slide that guacamole, creamy cheese dip or greasy meat down the disposal in your sink, call an audible! Anything with fat, oil and grease – and let’s face it, that will be almost everything on Sunday – should not go down the drain.
Fat, oil and grease – or FOG, as we call it – sticks to your pipes like an offensive lineman holding a rushing defensive end. Instead, dump all that wasted deliciousness in the trash. Wipe greasy pots and pans with a paper towel before washing. Pour all that oil from the deep fryer into a can, put it in the freezer and then toss it in the trash.
What can FOG do to your pipes? Well, let me put it into a football analogy. Pouring FOG down the drain is like seeing your kicker pull his hamstring in the second quarter. Sure, he made the kick and he keeps playing, but he’s not the same. Then, late in the game, your team is down 2 points and driving. You don’t have a backup kicker, and Mr. Reliable can barely swing his leg. He shanks a chip shot and the other team celebrates. Oh, the agony of defeat.
In this analogy, your kicker is like your wastewater pipes. They’re fine during the game but hurting from all that greasy food going down the drain. Then, maybe a few weeks, months or even a year later, all that fatty food solidifies in a pipe and the only backup you have is the wastewater in your home. Oh, the agony of the cleanup.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you shouldn’t enjoy all that wonderful food. What I am saying is don’t risk a wastewater backup down the road by blitzing your pipes on Sunday.