We provide safe, clean and reliable water service to our community. It takes long-term planning, careful monitoring and a commitment to conservation efforts to ensure our access to this precious resource lasts for future generations.
How we source water differs from many other cities in the United States. Colorado Springs isn't located near a river or other major body of water. Most of our water comes from high country snowmelt along the Continental Divide and must travel a great distance through tunnels and pipes to get here.
Once it’s here, we treat, test and monitor our water to ensure it meets drinking water standards. We also have robust programs to help you use less water, saving you money and helping our community be more sustainable.

Water service
By the numbers
5-year avg. daily residential use
Miles of water mains
Service points

Sustainable Water Plan
Our Sustainable Water Plan is our long-term road map to provide a safe and reliable water supply for current and future customers.
The plan looks 50 years into the future and accounts for factors like population growth, changes in demand, infrastructure challenges, regulation changes, climate variability and more.
As part of this plan, we're addressing risks, such as drought, through adaptive planning, increased storage and diversification of our water sources.

Water quality
We take water quality seriously. We use advanced technology to collect and analyze more than 12,000 water samples annually to ensure your water meets or exceeds public water quality standards.

Water system
Our water delivery system stretches more than 100 miles into the mountains and nearly 100 miles south and east into the plains.
In and around Colorado Springs, we also manage a large network of water treatment plants and more than 2,500 miles of water mains.

Water conservation
We live in a semi-arid climate, and conserving water is crucial.
By saving water today, we make our system more reliable and delay the need for new supplies or infrastructure.
Our community has already decreased its per capita water usage by 41% since 2001, saving more than 9 billion gallons of water annually.
We’re working to save more water by 2070, but we need everyone’s help to get there.
Colorado Springs Utilities
It's how we're all connected.